Manning Publications is a publishing house dedicated to books about information technology (Wikipedia).
Its book covers feature olde traditional costumes from across the world (Manning Catalogue, Wikipedia).
Now, isn't it a shame we've lost this dazzling variance to our globally homogenised uniform of a pair of jeans and t-shirt? All this cultural richness we've seen a mere 100 years ago - gone. Tsk tsk.
On the flipside to this genuine and heartfelt lament, Seinfeld has a bit in his I'm Telling You for the Last Time comedy special:
Clothing to me, for the most part, is just such a tremendous pain in the ass.
If you think of the amount of time, mental effort, physical energy, that goes into your clothes:
Picking'em, buying'em, does that go with that I don't think I can wear that, I'm missing a button, this is dirty, I gotta get something new, that's up my ass, can't wear this...
I think we should all wear the same exact clothes.
Because it seems to be what happens eventually, anyway.
Anytime you see a movie or a TV-show where there's people from the future or another planet they're all wearing the same outfit.
I think the decision just gets made:
All right, everyone, from now on, it's just gonna be the one piece silver suit with the V stripe and the boots.
That's the outfit. We're gonna be visiting other planets, we wanna look like a team here. The individuality thing is over.
I would add to that that another good thing about these massively mass producing space faring globally homogenised fashion industry civilisation is that, in order to have a change of wardrobe, you do not need to get yet another mortgage or sell one of your kids to indentured servitude… maybe someone else's in a distant land……… to a sweatshop……… ……… ……… I don't know, man. Out of sight out of mind, eh?
A jeans and a t-shirt. That's how we will present to the Pleiadeans.
Well, that's about that. Bye.
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